Top 2016 Email Trends for Retail Marketing

White Paper

Today’s consumers expect personally relevant marketing messages, and in 2016 we’ll see more retail brands raising the stakes by delivering contextually aware email content. Is your brand ready to compete for inbox attention in 2016?

Download this whitepaper to gain insight into new trends in email marketing for retail, as well as best practices and inspiration to take your email marketing to the next level.

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The State of Retail Email Marketing

Email Marketing: The Gold Standard for ROI

For every $1 spent on email marketing the average return is $44.25. Companies using email to nurture leads generate 50% more sales-ready leads at 33% lower cost.

Retail Email Opens

The retail audience opens on mobile

Most retail consumers open email on a mobile device, and there's an even higher preference for mobile among apparel customers.

Retail Email Conversions

In most industries, consumers prefer to buy on desktops. Retail is the exception. While 49% of non-apparel retail consumers converted on mobile devices in Q3 of 2015, retail apparel shoppers show an even stronger preference. With 67% mobile conversions, it's the only consumer group that prefers spending money on mobile over desktop.

Trigger Email Engagement

Trigger open rates are 65% higher than those of non-trigger emails. Because these emails are often more personalised and based on user action, they tend to get more engagement. This is a great opportunity to provide additional value and drive further action.

The Value of Data

We know email marketing drives retail sales, but how do you optimize your emails to stand out from your competitors in your customer's inbox? By delivering content that speakers directly to the individual consumer - personalised and targeted to their context and shopping behaviours.

How do you achieve this? Data. Retailers have access to more data than ever. Leveraging consumer data to build your emal campaigns lets you send highly targeted, more effective emails. And name and email address are no longer enough to meet consumer expectations.

With today's available resources, email marketers have access to data:

  • Location
  • Device usage and preference
  • Past engagement with marketing campaigns
  • Prior purchases
  • Product and category preferences
  • Polling responses, and more

Use this data to tailor each email you send, as well as to inform future campaigns.

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1. Contextualize & Personalize

Consumers want contextually relevant, personalized messaging.

80% of consumers find product recommendations based on previous purchases useful.

78% of retail consumers are more likely to be a repeat customer if sent a targeted personal offer.


Can deliver 29% higher open rates; 41% higher unique click rates.

For the best results:

  • Go beyond just a name
  • Show consumer relationship history
  • Offer personalised

Contextual Targeting: Weather

Target by weather to deliver the right offers to the right customers??

Contextual Targeting: Countdown Timers

Build excitement and a sense of urgency

2. Cultivate a Social Community

Do social media interactions with brands drive consumers to buy more?

Create a Social Community

Create an opportunity for consumers to come together to experience your brand. Pull in live social feeds - from social platforms like Instagram - to increase engagement. Social Images are authentic and seasonally relevant.

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